Expect more from your MVC.
DerbyJS is a full-stack framework for writing modern web applications.
Get startedRealtime collaboration
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Effortlessly sync data across clients and servers with automatic conflict resolution powered by ShareDB's operational transformation of JSON and text.
Server rendering
Templates can be rendered in the browser and on the server. In a browser, DerbyJS renders with fast, native DOM methods.
On the server, no DOM or virtual DOM implementation is needed—the same templates return HTML as well! HTML rendering means faster page loads, full search engine support, and ability to use the same templates for all types of HTML output, such as emails.
Even parse templates in the browser. Go ahead, edit the template above ⤴
Components and data bindings
Organize your code into Components with designer-friendly HTML templates.
Easily specify live bindings between the view and model so that when data changes, the view updates instantly.
DerbyJS is composed of several standard Node.js modules. Mix and match your own code, community modules and DerbyJS functionality with standard tools like npm and browserify.
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